Luis Miguel Gomez Cornejo Urriola
Orientation: Deborah Werner
Luis Miguel Gomez Cornejo Urriola is a PhD candidate (2022) and CAPES fellow in Urban and Regional Planning at the Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional (IPPUR) of the Universidade Federal de Río de Janeiro (UFRJ). He is a member of the Espacio e Poder Research Group of CNPq and also of the Laboratório de Estudos sobre Hegemonia e Contra-Hegemonia of the UFRJ. He is a member of the Executive Committee of UFRJ’s journal Recortes da Conjuntura Mundial. He holds a master’s degree (2019) in Urban Engineering by the Escola Politécnica da UFRJ, and a master’s degree (2019) in Social Sciences by the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais (PPCIS) of the Universidade Estadual de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Specialist (2016) in Urban Policy and Planning by IPPUR, and (2015) in Public Management by the Universidad de Piura (UDEP). Architect and Urban Planner (2012) by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad Ricardo Palma (URP).
The research critically reflects on the construction of the Chancay Multipurpose Port Terminal, the first mega-infrastructure built by Chinese capital in Latin America, located in the city of Lima, Peru. It is considered a regional hub since it will redistribute cargo from other countries in the region. The study seeks to reveal how the realization of this mega-infrastructure connects with the production of capitalist space. Using political economy, value theory, theories of the capitalist world-system, and systemic accumulation cycles, the work aims to show how the current Time-Space restructuring cycle develops and produces uneven spaces, which are utilized as accumulation strategies by specific fractions of capital, thus positioning infrastructure as a spearhead for the state to circulate and transport goods, serving the interests of dominant agents, exacerbating the model of underdevelopment and unequal exchanges dictated by neo-extractivist practices and their inherent contradictions.
Palavras-chave: commoditization, Financialization, long duration, systemic cycles of accumulation, urbanization