Lucas Reis Santos
Orientation: Deborah Werner
Lucas Reis Santos is an Economist (2017) from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and a Master’s student in Urban and Regional Planning (2024) at the Institute of Urban and Regional Research and Planning of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPPUR/UFRJ), where he is a member of the Space and Power Research Group. Certificate in Economic Foundations of Urbanism (2020) from Escola da Cidade. He has diversified professional experience in the areas of financial analysis, project management and strategic planning, working in third sector institutions, consultancies and private sector organizations.
He is currently working on his master’s degree at IPPUR/UFRJ, focusing on the energy transition in Brazil. His research focuses on the challenges and contradictions of the electricity sector, with an emphasis on public policies, capital accumulation and the impact of renewable energies in the context of regional development and global economic dynamics.