Fernando Michelotti

Orientation: Carlos Brandão

Fernando Michelotti is a professor at the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning and Development in the Amazon (PPGPAM) at the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará (UNIFESSPA). He is member of the following research groups: Space and Power; Laboratory of Territorial Studies, Interculturality and R-Existence in the Amazon (LATIERRA), both from CNPq, and Latin American Spatial Socioeconomic Development Network Group (REDSLA), from CLACSO. He holds a doctorate in Urban and Regional Planning from IPPUR-UFRJ (2019), a master’s degree in Development Planning from NAEA-UFPA (2001) and a degree in agronomy from ESALQ-USP (1993).

Considering the Amazon as its main reference for understanding the relationship between space and power, it is involved with three lines of research: the Amazonian socio-spatial formation and the multiple temporalities and territorialities produced; the analysis of territorial conflicts considering the different agents, interests and strategies involved, as well as the formation of regional blocs of power; the subsystems of production that conform the territorial complex and their articulations to spatial circuits in multiple scales.

Palavras-chave: Amazon, spatial circuits, spatial formation, territorial conflicts