Fluminense Socioeconomy. Public Policies in Times of Crisis.
Autoria: Carlos Brandão, Deborah Werner, Fábio Pimentel (Orgs.)
Ano: 2021
ISBN: 9786587145167
The project was developed in discussion meetings of the Space and Power Research Group at IPPUR/UFRJ, within which the content of this book was prepared. It started from the recognition of the need to expand the reflection and examine the historical, geographical, institutional, cultural, and socio-economic specificities of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Although significant progress has been made in recent years in studying the particularities of what we call here fluminense socioeconomics, further analysis and discussions on its structure, dynamics, and trends are still needed, aiming to envision and propose potential strategies for more sustainable, durable, and inclusive development. In other words, despite the recent advancement of research in the fields of human sciences and applied social sciences in the state, there is still a lack of more systematic efforts and a more cohesive approach to socio-economic and socio-spatial analysis that build a comprehensive perspective. Surely, dialogue—particularly among fluminense researchers—needs to move forward, seeking solutions to the specific problems of this Brazilian federation unit.