Investment Projects and Changes in the Territorial Organization of Rio de Janeiro

With the improvement in Rio de Janeiro’s economic performance since the 1990s, and especially in the 2000s, new studies have emerged on the productive and territorial dynamics of the state. Recent interpretations have highlighted processes of transition and/or transformation affecting the metropolitan and broader state economy.

Despite differing views on the nature and determinants of this process, there is a consensus that clear changes can be observed, particularly regarding the state’s historical development pattern. These changes suggest a degree of sectoral diversification and a territorial reorganization of economic activities.

Based on these discussions, this research project aims to examine the main investment projects in Rio de Janeiro and the transformations in the state’s territorial organization (both urban and regional) over recent decades.

Hipólita Siqueira de Oliveira

Taina Azamor da Costa Barros; Isis Alves Perdigão; Felipe Barros Portilho, Robson Santos Dias Nathalia Figueiredo de Azevedo .

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – Auxílio financeiro.