Interpreters of Brazil

The extension promotes, through the website, the dissemination and debate of knowledge on major national issues formulated by some of Brazil’s greatest thinkers.

The selected interpreters developed unique analytical frameworks, highlighted crucial aspects of our sociability, and, therefore, (re)shaped our vision of the country.

Their originality, broad analytical scopes, and the sharpness of these prominent Brazilian thinkers have made them eternally relevant for anyone seeking to deeply understand Brazil. They are classics who asked fundamental questions about the nation-building process and the development of Brazilian civilization.

The website aims to serve as a democratic platform for disseminating the ideas of those who deeply and structurally reflected on Brazil. By shedding light on aspects of our reality previously obscure or unexamined, they clarified our understanding and invited us to engage in coherent, bold, and consequential thinking. These interpreters of our dilemmas—such as Celso Furtado, Florestan Fernandes, and Oliveira Vianna, among others—explored new avenues and horizons for our civilization’s future as a nation, while simultaneously acknowledging our longstanding and oppressive legacies.

Enjoy the reading!

Carlos Brandão

Team Members
Extensionists from UFRJ

Project Duration
Since 2012